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We Are Selective & Creative Investors 

WPC invests in targets nearing critical value inflection points, characterized by incremental clearance of preclinical, clinical, regulatory, IP, or commercial risk hurdles. WPC is flexible, acting as lead investor or syndicate member in larger rounds. To our portfolio companies, their management teams, and other investors on the cap table, we operate like a traditional venture firm – vetting, investing, and operating as a single financial sponsor on the cap table. To other stakeholders, we are a different type of venture firm with a unique offering & approach

We Empower Our Investors Through a Unique Offering

  • Access: WPC allows a broad range of Accredited Investors (individual or entities) to join our investment funds as Limited Partners – enabling access to opportunities traditionally only available to institutions

  • Optionality: Our Investors have the ability to choose which WPC portfolio companies they would like to allocate capital towards on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis

  • Alignment: As the Sponsor in all our funds, we always co-invest our own risk capital into each portfolio company alongside our Investors and we take our management fees just one time vs the industry standard

2021 - Warren Point Capital, LLC - All Rights Reserved

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